
The Scorpion is one of the most imposing enemies in the game, designed as a tank class enemy. The basic concept that I had when building the scorpion was bullfighting. As such, it's attacks are fast, hard hitting, and force the player to deal with it before anything else. However, it's movement is avoidable with the dodge roll and the many forms of mobility the player has access to. 


The Behavior Tree


Charge Attack

Scorpion Chase

Design: The chase attack was designed as a way to add some variety when fighting the Scorpion. It will lock onto the player and chase it, constantly updating it's location. Once it either is in range of the player or after a certain amount of time, it will launch a powerful attack. This chase is slower but more precise then the charge. This gives the player a chance to shoot at the scorpion but keeps the player moving. 

Damage: 40

Speed: Up to 450 units per second

Frequency: Low
