
Gameplay Breakdown

Demo Trailer

Systems Design

Basic Movement

The movement keys will add momemtum depending on how many keys are added. Properly managing player direction and speed is a key skill. 

Movement Abilities

Level Design

The core of AirLocked relies on level design in order to allow the player to get full use of the zero-gravity mechanics. This forced me to rethink how I built the level in multiple ways.

Tutorial Level

The goal of this first level is to introduce basic movement mechanics and test the player on them, before releasing them to the more advanced content. Each room has an express purpose of teaching the player one mechanic, be it using WASD to move, or using the boost to clear gaps quickly. 

Exterior Level

Original Blockout

Final Version

Engine core level

Space Station Exterior

Asset Credits

Space HDRI:

SciFi Assets: Walter Woods

Trailer music: